Wax textile collages on handmade paper
Around 90X68cm
In this work, the artist William Adjété Wilson explores his encounter with the Vodou religion and its values, which form the common and millennia-old spiritual foundation of the entire Gulf of Guinea region.
While the basic principles remain the same everywhere, numerous local variations add to the abundant pantheon inspired by this particular vision of the world and existence. With slavery in the Americas, this religion further diversified in a new environment (Brazil, the Caribbean, etc.). Today, there are nearly 100 million followers worldwide.
In Vodou mythology, the Vodouns, like humans, were created by a pair of primordial gods. However, this couple remains beyond our understanding.
The Vodouns serve as intermediaries between humans, the Gods, and Creation. They are, in a way, a metaphor for artistic creation, which seeks to elevate us toward the highest aspects of the human spirit.
These hybrid beings reveal themselves in numerous forms, as many as are useful for organizing social and individual life, and for explaining or even taming the terrifying mysteries that surround us. It is this « fabric of imagination, » this « factory of forms, » that William Adjété Wilson explores here in every detail and in his usual style: fanciful, wild, and sophisticated.